When managing nutrient issues in cannabis plants, our goal is to avoid giving them too little or too much nutrients. Just like feeding a plant, we don't want to starve them or overfeed them.
Nutrients: How Hungry Are Your Plants?
Let's start with the basics. Cannabis plants require two types of nutrients: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are like the plant's main course, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential.
Micronutrients are like seasonings; they are needed in smaller quantities and include elements like iron and manganese. However, when feeding plants, it's crucial to get the quantities right to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding issues.
How to Identify Signs of Nutrient Deficiency?

Visual Changes: A common sign of nutrient deficiency in plants is a change in leaf color. For instance, a lack of nitrogen typically leads to leaves turning yellow.
In the event of a phosphorus deficiency, the leaves may turn purple. Likewise, a potassium deficiency can lead to yellowing of the leaf edges and tips.
Each nutrient shortage presents its distinct visual signs, and by noticing these minor alterations, you can determine which nutrient is missing.
Growth Signals: Besides noticeable visual changes, nutrient deficiencies can also affect the plant's growth rate and quality.
For instance, nitrogen is a primary element for promoting plant growth, and its deficiency can cause stunted growth and small, underdeveloped plants. A potassium deficiency may result in fewer flowers, smaller fruits, and poor quality.
How to Identify Signs of Nutrient Excess?

Just like nutrient deficiencies, an overabundance of nutrients can negatively impact cannabis plants. High nutrient levels can cause a variety of issues, ranging from leaf scorching to general growth suppression. Below are some typical indicators of nutrient overload:
Tip burn: This is one of the most evident signs of nutrient excess. The leaf tips turn yellow and gradually become burnt, especially in the case of nitrogen excess.
Leaves can become stiff and curl up or down if they get too much of certain nutrients like potassium."
Stunted growth: While nutrient excess may seem like it provides more growth resources, it can actually hinder plant growth as the plant struggles to efficiently absorb water and nutrients.
Excessive salt from fertilizers can accumulate in the soil. This can harm the roots of plants. It can also make it difficult for the roots to absorb water and nutrients.
How to Adjust and Improve?
Once you identify signs of nutrient excess, the next step is to take measures to adjust and improve the situation. This includes:
If you believe there are too many nutrients, consider using less fertilizer. This is especially important for chemical fertilizers. They can lead to an excess of nutrients and salt buildup.
Flushing the soil: Flushing the soil with ample amounts of water can help remove excess nutrients and salts. However, be cautious not to overwater and cause waterlogging of the roots.
Using organic fertilizers: Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly compared to chemical fertilizers, helping to avoid nutrient excess issues. Additionally, organic fertilizers can improve soil structure and microbial activity.
Cannabis plants can signal if they are undernourished or overfed by the color and form of their leaves. Hence, it's crucial to learn how to modify their "diet" according to their "state." But don't consider it as a rigid feeding scheduleโit's not that straightforward!
These small green creatures have fluctuating hunger levels based on the time of year and stage of growth.