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Top 10 Myths about Growing Marijuana You Should Know

Top 10 Myths about Growing Marijuana You Should Know

Now more and more people begin to grow cannabis indoor with LED Grow lights. But there are so many grow marijuana myths on the internet, below are top 10 myths and the right answer.


#1 Determine the gender of the cannabis plant by the number of leaf spots


I'm afraid this is completely incorrect. The gender of the plant can be known as early as 4-6 weeks before the flowers bloom. The females produce delicate white tendrils, while the males show distinct miniature bananas with beads underneath.


#2 The More Nutrients, The Better The Plants Grow


Cannabis needs three key macro-nutrients to survive: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These are the three magic ingredients that make your plants happy and healthy!

The fertilisers you’ll find at a grow shop carry different concentrations of these nutrients depending on whether they are designed to be used on vegetative or flowering plants. These fertilisers deliver nutrients directly to your plants’ roots, where they can be absorbed really quickly. This makes it easy for your plants to get all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Once you overfeed your plants, it will cause nutrient burn. This is something you can easily avoid by using the right fertiliser for your plants’ needs. This can be really stressful for your plants, and it can even stunt their growth. If you don't take action, it can even kill them!


#3 It Takes A Lot Of Money To Grow Marijuana


It's true that growing marijuana can cost a pretty penny, but it doesn't have to be complicated! With a little planning and effort, you can have a successful grow, even if you don't have expensive equipment.

If you're growing outdoors, all you need is a sunny spot, a pot with good soil, some fertilizer, and a little patience. Indoors, you'll want to invest in a decent grow light. If you’re lucky enough to be able to grow outdoors, you’ll be able to grow a few plants for less than $50. And if you’re looking to set up a simple grow space indoors, you should be able to do that for under $100.


#4 It Is Hard To Grow Cannabis


It's true! Many beginner growers start by just throwing some seeds in soil. Once they're out of the seedling phase, caring for cannabis plants can be as simple as just watering, feeding, and some light pruning.


#5 Don’t Feed Any Nitrogen During Flowering Because It Will Affect The Flavor Of The Buds


Nitrogen is a really important nutrient throughout the grow cycle of cannabis. It's a basic building block of amino acids, which the plant needs to produce enzymes, proteins and chlorophyll. Just a quick word of advice: don't overfeed nitrogen!


#6 Add Potassium To Stimulate Flowering, Increase Speed Of Flowering, Trigger Flowering Or Ripen Buds


Potassium plays a really important role in the way cannabis (and other plants) work.


  • Regulates water and nutrient movement between plant cells.

  • Activates over 50 key enzymes

  • Is a building block of DNA, and therefore essential for the production of new cells and healthy growth.

  • In some plant species (lemon, cotton and peppers for example) it increases the amount of fruit set.


Extra potassium isn't the magic fix to get those buds popping! It's more helpful to boost phosphorus to support strong growth during flowering.


#7 Marijuana Needs A Constant Temperature Of 72-79 Degrees


Cannabis is a plant that evolved in non-tropical climates, just like most plants. This means that it is perfectly healthy when nighttime temperatures drop 10-20 degrees below daytime highs.


#8 Check The pH Of Your Water Or Soup Every Time


Marijuana is pretty tolerant of a wide range of pH levels, which is great! If you're growing in soil, the pH of the water you use is usually irrelevant. Just use decent tap water and be more concerned about the high mineral content of hard water than pH levels. If you're growing hydroponically, pH is a much greater concern. Just keep in mind that the way most people arrive at damaging pH levels is by using products designed to increase or decrease pH.


#9 Improve The Taste By Watering Plants With Juice, Cool-aid Or Other Flavorful Liquids.


We're really sorry to say that giving your marijuana plants OJ doesn't make the buds taste like oranges


#10 Skills Can Improve The Quality Of Buds


This is mostly right, but there's more to it than that. Your skills as a grower will have a big impact on the quality of the harvest, of course. But the genetics that grow with you are just as important.


There are so many types of cannabis, each with its own unique characteristics. If you plan to grow your own cannabis, regardless of the skills of the grower, it is especially important to invest in quality seeds from a professional seed bank. This is the only way to make sure you grow the best buds out there!


Note: The above content is reproduced from VANQ

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