In America and in various parts of the world they are a well-known cultivated product.Ā In Europe, on the other hand, which notoriously tends to follow Grow lamp for indoor plantsĀ trends?
We want to talk aboutĀ microgreens, focusing on these young vegetables that have captured the attention of many chefs around the world.Ā A fresh super-food, suitable for every season that you canĀ growĀ lamp for indoor plants,Ā without having to have particular experience in the agricultural field.
What are microgreens?Ā
We are literally talking aboutĀ micro-vegetables, that is young and tender seedlings of various species of vegetables, wild plants, but also aromatic herbs.Ā TheseĀ microgreensĀ are optimal ifĀ harvested just 7-20 days after sowing,Ā that is when they develop the first true leaves, which are the twoĀ cotyledonĀ leaves.
We cannot define them as sprouts, as often happens and in a completely incorrect way, and they are not even common leaf vegetables, but we are faced with a new category of vegetables that has the characteristic of guaranteeingĀ an early harvest to thus support a system of restricted cultivation.
Super Food (Rich in Nutrition)
They are much loved and used by an increasing number of chefs, because they allow the introduction of new shapes, colors and dishes of excellent quality into the kitchen and restaurant sector.Ā And on the other hand, it is also consumers who ask for them more insistently, as they are interesting to look at and very rich in nutrition.Ā
They areĀ rich in minerals, vitamins,Ā and boastĀ antioxidant compoundsĀ that are a lifesaver for human health.
Micro-Vegetables with High Content ofĀ Bioactive Substances
That's why they are called superfoods, and above all that's why we want to advise you on how to grow lamp for indoor plants.Ā
It is true that microgreens are readily available in specialized supermarkets. It is always preferable to grow indoor plants them independently, and with little effort.
The food of the future
As mentioned earlier, one aspect that makes micro-vegetables unique and characteristic from both a gastronomic and nutritional point of view is the variety of:
- Products
- Shapes
- Flavors and colors that you can find.
We are not talking about GMOs. Everything we find in front of us is the result of research on traditional varieties of:
- Cabbage
- Pumpkins
- green beans
- Spinach, broccoli and much more.
Why do you need grow lamp for indoor plants?
Everyone will be able to take advantage of their microgreens. Moreover, they consume only what they grow. Below we will find out are the most commonĀ grow lamp for indoor plants for species of vegetables used for the production of this product.
- spinach, chard;
- celery, carrot, fennel;
- radicchio, endive, lettuce, chicory;
- cauliflower, broccoli and head cabbage,
- Garlic, onion and leek;
- Melon, cucumber and pumpkin;
- Legumes: alfalfa, kidney beans, green beans, broad beans, peas, lentils;
- Aromatic herbs: cumin, basil, coriander, chives;
- Soft and hard wheat, oats, corn, barley, rice and quinoa.
What does it take to grow lamp for indoor plants microgreens?
Micro-vegetables needĀ a mixed soilĀ that is so rich in nutrients and has good water retention capacity.Ā To facilitate the choice it is good to say that a good soil must have these characteristics:
Porosity over 85%: valid both for water retention and for a high level of aeration of the root system; The pH must be between 5.5 and 6.5;
Tips for grow lamp for indoor plants
For an indoor cultivation of microgreens, you should useĀ plastic containers such as tubs or trays.Ā The dimensions are free to choose, but it is advisableĀ never to exceed 5 cm in height.Ā
To give light to your microgreens it is strongly important to use grow lamp for indoor plants. Ā They do not produce heat. Moreover, have an optimized spectrum to stimulate chlorophyll synthesis. Similarly, they consume less energy than HPS or CFL lamps. Furthermore, you can find inĀ our catalog, it is however possible also use an HPS lamp.
We takeĀ the first steps for the cultivation of micro-vegetables
To start your grow lamp for indoor plants, you will need to wash the seeds under running water and start what is called the "Ā pre-treatment phaseĀ ".Ā You must therefore immerse the seeds in water in order to induce germination.Ā
At this point take your container, which you have to fillĀ leaving 1 cm of distance from the edge,Ā and proceed with the sowing.
The seeds must come evenly on the surface: it is good to arrange them with a density of 1/4 seeds per cmĀ².Ā With a sprayer you have to moisten them immediately so as to guarantee water for 2-3 days.Ā At this point, cover the container with cling film (e.g. kitchen film) andĀ leave them in the dark for 2-3 days.Ā
In this way germination stimulates, which must take place at aĀ temperature between 20-24Ā°. This becomes 16-18 Ā° in the grow lamp for indoor planting phase.
Grow lamp for indoor plantsĀ Like microgreens
Ā For greater savings we recommend using LEDs lamps. In fact, thanks to the use of brand new LEDs they are able to emit a light very similar to that of the sun.
Here are some models distributed by Master grow lamp for indoor plantsĀ led ideal for grow lamp for indoor planting microgreens at home.
Use of Nebulizers forĀ Irrigation
Ā If during germination it is advisable to use nebulizers, itĀ is good to irrigate from below, thus acting on the substrate.Ā It therefore becomes useful not to wet the young shoots or the leaves, but to always keep the soil moist.
Harvest phase with grow lamp for indoor plants
The cultivation cycle of micro-vegetables varies according to the species. Generally, it can lastĀ from 5 to 21 days, after germination which varies from 2 to 5 days.
When the first true leaves appear, it is possible to proceed with the harvest.Ā You will be able to harvest your vegetables manually, cutting the seedlings a few millimeters from the surface.Ā Your micro-vegetables are easy to store for one or 2 weeks.
It's time to let yourself to taste harmonious flavor of microgreens: it's time to start your grow lamp for indoor plants!